Day 4: Trash

Apologies, but I’m running a day late but considering yesterday everything seems to be a day late – adventures with a stopped alarm clock 😦  So tomorrow I’ll try to post two (ha!)

Anyway this morning for some unknown reason somebody had tried to put a load of tin foil unsuccessfully into a street bin – WHY??




Day 3: Looking Out

You wouldn’t exactly say the office was a room with a view at the best of times and right now it’s definitely not!  There’s building working going on, on both sides of the office and out side of my little window I see nothing but scaffolding.

So when I look out this is what I see:


Day 2: Looking In

This is our Daisy looking to get in.  If I had waited a little longer I could have taken tomorrow photograph too!  What is it with these cats? – in, out, in, out, or if it’s raining it’s “please open the door so I can think about going out”.

Day 1: Clouds

You would think that as this is July there’d be ample opportunity to take photos of blue skies and lovely fluffy cumulus clouds.  Well it would seem there was a memo that said we’re skipping straight to late autumn and the only things to see in the sky is blankets of grey with shades of dark grey and the promise of rain.  So in between showers this is what I managed to snap:


Weekly Challenge

I’ve gotten out of the habit of taking a photograph, looking at it and posting it (yes it wasn’t exactly an embedded habit) but it’s time to get back into the saddle.  Now, I know I’m rubbish at keeping up these Photo challenges but this one is only for a week and I can definitely do that!

27/7 – 2/8

So starting tomorrow I should be back to posting …


Reflected Self #1

I don’t like being photographed.  I most certainly don’t do selfies.

However I am trying to get used to being photographed so I’m starting a series of self portraits (not selfies).
(While we’re on the subject of clarifications – the # in the title doesn’t stand for hashtag it means No.1)

So here’s the Reflected Self.